Mandeep Puri
It was a dream come true moment for the Three Times National Award Winner Film Director Madhur Bhandarkar, when he met the all time Superhit Hollywood Actor Sir Ben Kingsley at the 40th International Film Festival of India in Panjim, Goa recently. Madhur is a die-hard fan of Kingsley. Madhur had gone there to attend the festival, where as Sir Ben Kingsley was there as the official chief guest. Madhur met Kingsley and discussed a lot about Hollywood and Bollywood. The major point of discussion was Kingsley’s film Gandhi, which Madhur has seen 15 Times.

Madhur excitingly said- “I have always loved sir Kingsley’s work and I must say he is one unmatched actor we have on the Earth. I have seen his film ‘Gandhi’ around 15 Times. It was an enthralling moment for me when I met him as I have admired his work all my life. I simply loved his performance in Gandhi and another film of his Schindler's List. These are his two films I can watch time and again. During our long conversation, we discussed a lot about films. I spoke lot about Hollywood and Sir Ben’s performance in Gandhi. I also discussed about the length of the film and the making of Gandhi. We also had a good long chat on contemporary cinema.”

Expressing his extreme joy, Madhur also added- “I learnt that though Kingsley has not seen much Indian Films, but he seemed very keen on working here in Bollywood, which he is doing also, and said that he would love to work in our films further also. I have to sum up saying, this will me my most memorable moment for my entire life. I wish I could halt the time.”


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