Star News Agency
New Delhi. Government agencies have procured 242.79 lakh tonne of rice in the current marketing season so far. As on 16th March 2010, paddy procurement in terms of rice stood at 242.79 lakh tonne which is just 2 percent less than the rice procured on this date last year ( i.e. 248.69 lakh tonne) which was a record production and procurement year.
But in view of drought like condition in 337 districts of the country, this is a significant achievement. Moreover, it is more than the rice procured by the government agencies in 2003-04 and near about the quantity procured in 2004-05. Apart from this, the procurement process is still on and in the last marketing season, about 88 lakh tonne rice was procured from March 16 till September 30, 2009.
Punjab has contributed 92.68 lakh tonne followed by Andhra Pradesh 33.35 lakh tonne, Chhattisgarh 29.97 lakh tonne, Uttar Pradesh 24.32 lakh tonne, Haryana 18.13 lakh tonne and Orissa 16.49 lakh tonne.