New Delhi. The Government has chalked out a multi-prong strategy to maximize rice production in the country during the forthcoming Kharif season. Decision to this effect was taken at the recently held Kharif Conference in New Delhi. The main planks of the strategy are expansion of areas under rice, enhancing the yield through adoption of short duration /location specific varieties /hybrids and increasing irrigation coverage in the eastern region. The strategies recommended for increasing the productivity of rice in different States are as under:
Expansion of areas under rice by increasing cropping intensity specially in theStates of Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Eastern U.P. and West Bengal.
Enhancing the yield through adoption of short duration /location specific varieties /hybrids well supported by improved package of practices in Integrated Cereals
Development Programme in Rice Based Cropping System Areas (ICDP-Rice) under
Macro Management in non NFSM districts.
Increasing the coverage under irrigation in the Eastern Region of the country through the development of minor irrigation by using ground water which is in abundance in the region.
Amelioration of soil with lime application in acidic soils especially in Assam, Bihar and Jharkhand and with gypsum in alkaline/saline soils for enhancing the land productivity.
Enhancing the seed replacement rate in ICDP –Rice under Macro Management in -NFSM districts with area specific high yielding varieties.
Promotion of cultivation of hybrid rice.
Integrated and balanced use of nutrients and need based use of micro nutrients on the basis of soil tests.
Promotion of farm mechanization particularly cono weeder for weeding in rice.
Promotion system of rice intensification (SRI) in identified districts under upland conditions with assured irrigation facilities
Integrated pest management for minimizing crop losses and enhancing returns to the farmers.