Heat stroke depends not only on temperature but relative humidity

Posted Star Web Media Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Firdaus Khan
New Delhi. Development of heat stroke and other heat disorders not only depends on the temperature but also on relative humidity. This was stated by Dr KK Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India.
The atmospheric temperature of more than 1100F (>440C) can cause heat stroke when there is a continuous exposure to sunlight. At a humidity of 40%, a temperature of 1100F behaves like a temperature of 1300F and is classified under high risk red zone. 

When the humidity is between 30-40% at the same temperature, persons are likely to suffer from sun stroke, heat stroke and heat exhaustion. However, heat stroke can occur with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity. Till the temperature is lower than 850F the chances of heat cramp, heat exhaustion and heat stroke will continue. At this stage only fatigue is possible that too with prolonged exposure and/or with associated physical activity.

Dr. Aggarwal said that if a heat disorder is suspected a person may require fluid resuscitation of upto 4-8 liters which should include lemon water with salt. The main parameter to differentiate heat stroke and heat exhaustion are that in heat stroke there is no sweating. Absence of sweating with high body temperature should be treated as an emergency to prevent charring of inside organs.


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