Star News Agency
New Delhi. BHEL built thermal, hydro, gas and nuclear sets recorded an all-time high generation of 490 Billion units of electricity in FY 2009-10. Out of the country’s total generation by coal based utilities, BHEL sets have contributed a record 79.9%. Consistently exceeding the national average efficiency parameters, in 2009-10 also, BHEL-manufactured thermal sets achieved an Operating Availability (OA) of 87%, while the Plant Load Factor (PLF) at 78.4% was also higher than the national average. Notably, 72 sets achieved PLF of over 90% and 136 thermal sets achieved OA higher than 90%.

BHEL-make 200-500 MW thermal sets, which form the backbone of the country's thermal generating capacity, operated at an OA of 90.1% and PLF of 82.1%. These sets have been achieving an availability of more than 90% consistently for the last three years. During the year, BHEL also reinforced its commitment to providing prompt and efficient customer service aimed at facilitating uninterrupted power supply and keeping power plants in good running condition by overhauling 92 thermal utility/industrial sets.


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