Firdaus Khan
Jamnagar (Gujarat). Addressing a huge rally in Jamnagar Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday questioned Modi government in claims of development Gujarat. Speaking at the rally Congress general secretary said that Gujarat cannot be run by one person alone.

Rahul Gandhi said, Gujarat is one of the integral parts of our country. I often wondered what Gujarat has given to me. Finally, I got the answer and I want to convey it you. Though, it is a bit lengthy, still. When I was a child my father told me a story. The story of Gandhi Ji and his contribution to the independent struggle of our country.  Gandhi ji came to our house in Allahabad where Jawahar Lal Nehru and Moti Lal Nehru were staying. Jawaharlal Nehru got involved in the freedom struggle.  Motilal Nehru felt that Gandhi ji had taken away his son.  He was worried that Nehru ji rarely comes home as he was fully involved in the freedom struggle. One day Jawahar Lal ji was arrested and sent to jail.  There was some tension between Gandhi ji and Motilal ji. Motilalji was not able to sleep and he was roaming around in Anand Bhawan, restlessly. One night he went to Gandhi ji’s room but could not see Gandhi ji on his bed. It was the winter season. He switched on the light and surprised to see Gandhi Ji sleeping on the floor in a corner of the room.  Gandhi ji also woke up. Moti Lal ji asked him why he was not sleeping on the bed?  Gandhi ji said Jawahar Lal is in jail and is sleeping on the floor, so I too will sleep on the floor. This is Gujarat's history... your history.

If I have a guru in politics it is Gandhi ji. There are some people who say that Gandhi ji’s ideology is old and irrelevant. But I want to tell you why I consider him as my guru. I have been in politics since eight years. On many occasions, we will have to take hard decisions. Any leader with long term vision should frame some guidelines for himself. They should have some principles and should adhere to it. Gandhi Ji was such a leader who followed some ideals. He always believed that a leader should listen to the voice of the people, not only of India but across the world, without any discrimination. One should treat everyone equally and respect the people without any bias. Today I am addressing you because of Gandhi Ji. It was Gandhi Ji who gave this country democracy. Democracy is the gift of Gujarat. Gandhi ji's political ideology is Gujarat's ideology. If we have democracy today it is because of you.

Just examine the policies of the UPA government at the centre and see the leaders like Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi.  You please analyse the programmes not just the UPA but also the previous Congress governments. Show me one example to prove that we have taken away the voice of the people whether it is bank nationalisation, green revolution or policies for the farmers.

We have witnessed computer revolution in our country. Everyone has a mobile phone here. Rajiv Gandhiji and Sam Pitroda brought about the development in telecommunications; Sam Pitroda is from Gujarat. So, you have a role in this revolution too.  You set examples for the entire country.

We have given this country MNREGA – the right for jobs for every poor without any discrimination. Many people talk of corruption. Earlier the cases of corruption were not coming out. Even today there are a lot of cases of graft in Gujarat. But when we implemented RTI a number cases have come out. We knew that lots of hidden things will come out if we implement the RTI. Still, we showed the courage to implement the said policy because we wanted to give voice to the common man.  In Gujarat, corruption cases would have remained hidden had it not been for the RTI. We heard the voice of adivasis and framed policy to ensure their rights in their lands in forests. Now the food security bill is ready with us by which every poor will be assured of food. We do all these because we realize that the people have the strength. Aam aadmmi has the power. Gandhi ji has taught us to listen to the voices of the poor and fight for the rights of the people we represent.

In Gujarat, the voice of aam aadmi is not heard. The Chief Minister wants to listen to his own voice, he has his own dreams. A true leader makes the people's dreams his own. When Gandhi ji was leading the freedom struggle, he was not listening to his own voice but was hearing the people’s voice. He was not fighting for himself but for others. In Gujarat the assembly functions for only 25 days a year. In the monsoons, it works for only one day and when it does, the Opposition is thrown out as the government is scared of them. We brought the Lokpal Bill, but the BJP defeated it in the Parliament. They were happy that day and were smiling.  Is there Lokayukta in Gujarat? Why there is no Lokayukta? It is because the government does not want to listen to your voice. Only one voice is heard in Gujarat. Around 14,000 RTI applications are pending, why? Corruption is hidden behind closed doors and we should bring it out. The strength is not in one person but is in your voice, the voices of youth, aam aadmi, adivasis. That voice is being suppressed here. Gujarat is not run by one man, it is run by the people.

There is great marketing of Gujarat, saying that Gujarat is shining. Answer me how many days in a week do you get water?  Gujarat is shining but here you have water for only 25 minutes that too not daily. But the marketing team boasts that Gujarat is shining! More than 10 lakh youth are jobless here, no electricity and water but they claim that Gujarat is shining! This is election time and you should take a right decision. I want to tell you one thing. Gujarat can't be run by one person; it is not run by one person. Gujarat is run by the people of Gujarat – the aam aadmi. Gujarat’s strength, potential lies in its people. Your children who are studying today will run Gujarat tomorrow; they are the future. Your strength has not only transformed Gujarat. Even the President of Brazil told me when he visited New Delhi that his ideal in politics was Gandhi. Nelson Mandela admits he drew strength from Gandhi ji. Lakhs of leaders, including me, have been shown the way by Gujarat through Gandhi ji.


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